Mental Strength Inner Wellness Optimal Performance 

Hi, I'm Alex Barilec and I'm here to help  leaders and young professionals create success and optimal well-being in all areas of their life.

I specialize in helping people develop the mental fitness to handle life's challenges without increased stress or negative emotion.

The results? Exponential growth in performance, productivity and fulfillment.

Positive Intelligence

Perform Better, Increase Happiness and Strengthen Relationships

1 on 1

Recreate and redefine your life. Build your Blueprint for a success and fulfillment

Courses & Workshops

Develop tools to create optimal
well-being of mind, body and spirit 

Get exclusive access to my 
FREE mini-course

In this FREE Mini-Course, you’ll learn the fundamentals to Build Your Life Blueprint and Achieve Optimal Well-Being and Performance.

Get Access to my FREE mini course

In this FREE Mini-Course, you’ll learn the fundamentals to Build Your Life Blueprint and Achieve Optimal Well-Being and Performance.

You are more powerful
than you know.

My clients often arrive saying, "I'm ready for a change, but don't know where to start..."

Maybe you are ready for a big move or life transition, but the truth is you're scared.

Maybe you've been busy creating results for others and your physical, mental or emotional health has suffered. You know it's time to serve yourself, but the  truth is you don't know what to do first.

Maybe you've had the deep realization that you are living a story that isn't genuine, but the truth is you don't believe that you are enough to embody your authentic self.

All of us exist with limiting beliefs, patterns of behavior and stories that keep us stuck in the past.
And we wonder why we can never create sustainable changes in our lives.
I help clients break through mental block, recode their mindset, develop the habits to create change and generate results.

Kind Words

Want more inspiration and wisdom?!

Each month I share tips, tricks and useful tools in personal development, positive psychology and much more!

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